Friday 22 November 2013

2013 – I have a message today, it goes a little bit like this

Everything is Ok! and probably always will be! despite this most of us are running on faulty programming and fear based realities.

Life is beautiful, if life is a struggle that’s not how its meant to be, the idea that life is meant to be a struggle and hard work is also absolute BS! and a total fabrication, our time here on this planet when connected to our soul our truth and intuition will be effortless you will know where you need to be and what you

need to do at any particular time, those are mechanisms we ALL have that due to our lifestyles and many other factors have been dumbed down to the point of what i can “walking zombie” syndrome. modern medicine in “many if not all cases” is not a cure! its a bloody band aid! anyway..
Excessive hard work and struggle are what slave races do, there’s no need for us to be living our lives quite like this when there IS enough food in the world to feed us all and

there IS enough technology for free electricity where we DO have all we need to live in harmony with the laws of nature/universe, the original law. you have to ask yourself how come we are living like slaves when this earth by its very nature was set up to give us abundance of everything we need there is free everything available yet apparently there is not enough LIE!. there is an element of control Im not here to tell you where that control is coming from.

One day everyone will just stop what they are doing and realize how insane it all is and when we get it and “wake up” we all can truly get on to living fully realized life’s in our power, dignity and personal strengths creating systems that work for ALL involved, because the biggest lie of our time and perhaps from long ago is that there is a lack that there is not enough for us ,this planet and we people have it all its only the ones in power and other dark ones i shall not name who are running the show.

We have the power to chose which reality we want, the new reality the shift happening now in 2013 or to keep to the old system that are causing the human race, the rainforests, the animals, the rivers, our earth and OURSELVES damage, our power.

The species on this planet have lasted for millions of years or more, life has gone on our greed and sense of lack is fueling this cancer. happiness is an inside job not outside as your society your media your schools this whole system would lead you to believe.

yes of corse experience those things and they can be great experiences, be someone famous be someone high ranking with a massive salary its nice life experience! but while we are continually distracted away from our true selves, the true reason for our need to be somebody our true sense of lack etc, the love the truth the realization of a soul , a spirit we will never find lasting happiness in those temporary forms, there will always be a hunger for more as the connection we are seeking is our true source connection
This earth the way it is is absolutely perfect its almost a miracle and amazes me at times, but that’s not how our current mindset and our programming lets us see the world.

for many the focus is problems, this isn’t right this went wrong, being kept in constant state of worry about tomorrow this is NOT natural and NOT the original state of humans it is NOT the state of the spirit. can you see how we are kept in constant fear ? even if its just low level fear. and i can tell you that sometimes people who try to break out of this matrix well they can sometimes get bombarded with loads of crap to keep them lower again. (ill probably get some from posting this designed to bring me down because i spoke out, rule number one you don’t question your reality) the truth of reality is nothing like most of us are living! and i don’t mean what we are doing.

you could be doing brick laying building an ECO village in the new world, moving megalithic stones to build a pyramid LOL and totally enjoy it and be in total harmony with your spirit and soul and know its for common good! while knowing that the ones who do hold positions of power in your group/civilization are totally rightfully and meant to be in that place.

(Stay distracted puppies stay distracted, play with the toys we’ve given you)
Computers, mobile phones, wifi, TV advertising bombardment, Fashion, gimmicks, you all fall for it every time! we love that we work our corporations around your weakness.
Because we are so used to our reality as it is because it has been like this from day one since birth it can be hard to see life any other way,in our culture which is lacking a lot of which the ancient civilizations had who btw seemed to have built pyramids all over the world, who seem to have been in contact with each other. not to mention the various artifacts that are being found that show a global civilization way before our current history documents. why does our current history not document those discovery’s ?

do the research it scares our governments it scares people who are deeply held onto the truth it scares those in power and ultimately this discovery and others coming in the near future will ultimately lead to the collapse of those who are in power for control purposes and bring the truth point blank in the the peoples faces to such an obvious understanding that the truth has been obscured for warped and twisted reasons to keep the populations in a dumbed out lower state of awareness and growth.

We have been existing as a species in many cases completely dis-connected with a few people having connection to the divine source, science called (unified field) for a long time now but its time for our birthright to be all we are and experience joy, laughter good times to become a reality.

Id like to say, The amount of love, care, understanding and compassion we have for all of you is immense, the dark ones who have deliberately made a mess of things and kept you caught in pain and suffering have their time up and will be gradually revealed as we as a species become more aware.
The time is NOW to take back the power, remember everything is OK! humanity has just been kept in a lower vibration away from those states of everything is ok and caught in a fear based reality (news/media) once the manipulation and the lies that we have been fed have been revealed there will be no stopping this movement and the good thing is LIFE/UNIVERSE is taking care of every one of us in this process, The shift has begun!
Wishing you all a good ride ~ Rixsta

PS: looks like anyone from government can see this, oh well im sure they are not all reptiles who have no care for humanty :D
so this is where i am up to now, realising i dont want big time distraction but want to be aware! and alive! time for bed

Friday 1 June 2012

Rixsta_2012-05-30_Barrow-In-Furness, The Queens Arms (24bit 48Khz)

Artist   : Rixsta
Date     : 2012-05-30
Venue    : The Queens Arms (Biggar Village)
Location : Barrow-In-Furness, England

Source   : Audiance -> Zoom H4N (WAV-Stereo) -> Sound Forge -> FLAC Frontend
Lineage  : 24bit/48Hz Wav -> FLAC
Mastering: Sound Forge (Track Splits)

Taped by : Rixsta
Transfer : Rixsta



Bitrate Playtime Title         Track #
1744 03:02 Fighting For Freedom 01
1767 03:01 Improv                 02
1700 04:36 Pour Out Improv         03
1511 01:08 Banter                 04
1696 04:48 Back Pocket         05
1742 02:08 Improv                 06
1713 04:09 Turn It Up         07
1664 03:14 Marianne Sings         08
1704 05:59 The Right Improv 09
1719 03:10 Keep On Turning   10
1540 00:33 Intermission         11
1706 04:13 Thinking Of You         12 
1738 08:59 Evil Ways         13
1436 00:15 Intermission         14
1679 05:45 Do You Believe         15
1725 04:37 Chance Of A lifetime 16
Time: 59:37

Size: 728MB


Rixsta - Guitar & Vocals
Jeff Pickthall - Bass
Ben Steel - Drums


Lots of improvised and Jeff and Ben had never played the material before!
Tracks would probably sound better mastered with some compression, but i have left them Originals!

Anyone wanting to make artwork for any of the shows, please email..
Many more Free shows and tracks at..


Download :

Wednesday 9 May 2012

help & Free recordings :D

Pretty soon all recordings ive ever done are going to be free and i shall leave this site with a donate button, anyone who wishes to donate to our cause will be able to do so :)

Anyone who can help me build the site if you are out there and want to contribute i would love to hear from you!

Monday 23 January 2012

The beauty and the closed heart

I cant help but see tonight after realising how given up i have felt in my life at times that its not just me but that humanity as a whole has known somewhere inside that something is not right on some level that there could be some Magic, yet if our hearts have been closed and we've become bitter and basically given up and succumb to the mundane in life.
I would love to find a way to help at least those people who do feel lost to re-find that magic again, i have probably given up on myself a long time ago but with the will to bring healing to carry on i know we could do some great things for this planet if we pull together! heh maybe I'm dreaming, but Ive seen the magic at times especially in my beautiful Lady's eyes we both once knew and probably all know somewhere in our souls the beauty that's relay out there beyond the pain of a closed and lost heart!

The Venus Project

It is common in our mass-media to read and to hear commentators talk about the number of social problems that face us today, such as global warming, destruction of Earth's environment, unemployment, crime, violence, poverty, hunger, and the population explosion. Yet, how often do we hear of workable plans for alleviating many of these social problems? It is relatively simple for people to criticize society, however it's much more difficult to identify and implement plans to resolve the problems.

The Venus Project is a veritable blueprint for the genesis of a new world civilization, one that is based on human concern and environmental reclamation.

The plans for The Venus Project offer society a broader s of choices based on the scientific possibilities directed toward a new era of peace and sustainability for all. Through the implementation of a resource-based economy, and a multitude of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies directly applied to the social system, The Venus Project proposals will dramatically reduce crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and many other pressing problems that are common throughout the world today.

One of the cornerstones of the organization's findings is the fact that many of the dysfunctional behaviors of today's society stem directly from the dehumanizing environment of a monetary system. In addition, automation has resulted in the technological replacement of human labor by machines and eventually most people will not have the purchasing power to buy the goods and services turned out.

Check it out here!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Best Colon Cleanse Recipe!

Well here we go today we've been fasting! and i want fish and chips already! haha
Well honestly i've never done this before but should be interesting! Here is what my lady found on the net today so we thought we would try it!

Psyllium and Bentonite Colon Cleanse
1 rounded teaspoon psyllium husk
1 teaspoon bentonite clay powder (or 1 tablespoon liquid bentonite clay)
8 ounces water or juice

Place the psyllium and bentonite in an empty glass, then add the water and stir briskly.
Drink quickly, before it thickens.
Follow with another 8 ounces of plain water or juice. Plenty of fluid is important.

"Just as we attempt to stimulate the emliminative processes of the skin and the lungs through dry skin brushing and breathing exercises, we can also enhance bowel activity and health by performing a colon cleanse. The liver in particular plays a major role in bodily detox, and it uses the colon as its "dumping ground"."

"One of the plagues of our modern society is sluggish, under-active colons. Thanks to over-processed, denatured foods, over eating slow-to-digest meats, and not getting enough fiber, many of us have bowels that aren't working at their peak of performance. But even if we eat a diet of carefully chosen healthful and natural foods, we still benefit from an occasional colon cleanse."

"In our normal eating patterns, when waste matter doesn't move along quickly through the colon, it dehydrates and hardens, becoming a thick and sticky mass. This old, undigested and putrified matter becomes more and more difficult for the body to eliminate, and can harbor unwanted bacteria, toxins and parasites. It can also hinder the flow of normal digestive fluids from the liver and pancreas. "

Check out more here!
and ill post back how much better i feel, if any :D

Monday 31 October 2011

Sacred Awakenings Interview: Julia Butterfly Hill by Stephen Dinan

Stephen Dinan: Because our focus here is the Sacred Awakening Series and you weave together the natural world and the sacred dimension in very interesting ways, I’d love you to share a bit about your own history of first coming into the work you did with Luna and the environment but also how that has had a deeper sacred dimension for you as well.
Julia Butterfly Hill: I’ll answer that question but I’m going to first share one other thing. I want to make sure that I start this conversation by letting people know that for me when I hear something like “spiritual leader” I wonder, what does that mean? So I want to make sure and reflect to everyone that for me, my commitment is that I’m doing my best to be a mirror. I’ve learned in my life that we cannot see in others what we don’t already have within ourselves. When I’m sharing, I’m really sharing from a heart-filled space. Hopefully something that I share will reflect something to someone that allows us all to see deeper into ourselves.

I also tell people that if I share something that folks don’t like, all they have to do is compost it. (laughs) Because then it can still serve us, right? I want to make sure that on the very front end of this conversation, just to reflect back, that I don’t claim to be an expert and I don’t claim to be a know-it-all. I don’t claim to be anything other than a person who cares very deeply about this planet and all the life that it sustains and I share from that place. I just want to make sure and start the conversation that way. When it comes to answering the question of how this form of sacred activism began for me in the Redwoods – it was really my first real action in my life. When I first entered the Redwoods I was just so profoundly and deeply moved by the energy of these forests. I was raised with a preacher for a father and I had never experienced anything remotely as sacred and as profound as the first time I entered the Redwood forest. It was like I finally breathed in what God must feel like. It was so beautiful for me and I literally began sobbing. It was such a deep and powerful experience. So when I entered my first clearcut and I learned that over 98% of the ancient Redwoods had already been cut down and that they were continuing to log them with such destructive practices. The industrial logging was so destructive to these areas that I was as deeply torn apart as I had been touched by the beauty. I was just as deeply devastated learning and seeing and witnessing the destruction of these sacred forests and that’s what launched me into what became an internationally-known action.

I really didn’t know what I was going to do but I knew that I had to do something and although I didn’t have experience being an activist I had experience climbing trees. (laughs) And so when I heard that I could climb a tree to make a difference, I volunteered and climbed Luna, an over one thousand year-old Redwood that had been marked to be cut down. I really didn’t see it as a spiritual practice at first. I was actually really hurt and angry at first. I could see for miles in every direction. I could see the then Pacific Lumber Maxxam Corporation mill that was taking these ancient forests and turning them into blasted-away hillsides and burnt desecrated ground. In the beginning I was filled with a lot of grief and rage but that grief and rage began to destroy me and I had to find a new way and a new purpose to act from. That’s what led me on a spiritual journey that emerged as how I live my life now as committed to having the sacred guide me every moment of every day.

Great stuff, read the rest here....