Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Best Colon Cleanse Recipe!

Well here we go today we've been fasting! and i want fish and chips already! haha
Well honestly i've never done this before but should be interesting! Here is what my lady found on the net today so we thought we would try it!

Psyllium and Bentonite Colon Cleanse
1 rounded teaspoon psyllium husk
1 teaspoon bentonite clay powder (or 1 tablespoon liquid bentonite clay)
8 ounces water or juice

Place the psyllium and bentonite in an empty glass, then add the water and stir briskly.
Drink quickly, before it thickens.
Follow with another 8 ounces of plain water or juice. Plenty of fluid is important.

"Just as we attempt to stimulate the emliminative processes of the skin and the lungs through dry skin brushing and breathing exercises, we can also enhance bowel activity and health by performing a colon cleanse. The liver in particular plays a major role in bodily detox, and it uses the colon as its "dumping ground"."

"One of the plagues of our modern society is sluggish, under-active colons. Thanks to over-processed, denatured foods, over eating slow-to-digest meats, and not getting enough fiber, many of us have bowels that aren't working at their peak of performance. But even if we eat a diet of carefully chosen healthful and natural foods, we still benefit from an occasional colon cleanse."

"In our normal eating patterns, when waste matter doesn't move along quickly through the colon, it dehydrates and hardens, becoming a thick and sticky mass. This old, undigested and putrified matter becomes more and more difficult for the body to eliminate, and can harbor unwanted bacteria, toxins and parasites. It can also hinder the flow of normal digestive fluids from the liver and pancreas. "

Check out more here!
and ill post back how much better i feel, if any :D

Monday 31 October 2011

Sacred Awakenings Interview: Julia Butterfly Hill by Stephen Dinan

Stephen Dinan: Because our focus here is the Sacred Awakening Series and you weave together the natural world and the sacred dimension in very interesting ways, I’d love you to share a bit about your own history of first coming into the work you did with Luna and the environment but also how that has had a deeper sacred dimension for you as well.
Julia Butterfly Hill: I’ll answer that question but I’m going to first share one other thing. I want to make sure that I start this conversation by letting people know that for me when I hear something like “spiritual leader” I wonder, what does that mean? So I want to make sure and reflect to everyone that for me, my commitment is that I’m doing my best to be a mirror. I’ve learned in my life that we cannot see in others what we don’t already have within ourselves. When I’m sharing, I’m really sharing from a heart-filled space. Hopefully something that I share will reflect something to someone that allows us all to see deeper into ourselves.

I also tell people that if I share something that folks don’t like, all they have to do is compost it. (laughs) Because then it can still serve us, right? I want to make sure that on the very front end of this conversation, just to reflect back, that I don’t claim to be an expert and I don’t claim to be a know-it-all. I don’t claim to be anything other than a person who cares very deeply about this planet and all the life that it sustains and I share from that place. I just want to make sure and start the conversation that way. When it comes to answering the question of how this form of sacred activism began for me in the Redwoods – it was really my first real action in my life. When I first entered the Redwoods I was just so profoundly and deeply moved by the energy of these forests. I was raised with a preacher for a father and I had never experienced anything remotely as sacred and as profound as the first time I entered the Redwood forest. It was like I finally breathed in what God must feel like. It was so beautiful for me and I literally began sobbing. It was such a deep and powerful experience. So when I entered my first clearcut and I learned that over 98% of the ancient Redwoods had already been cut down and that they were continuing to log them with such destructive practices. The industrial logging was so destructive to these areas that I was as deeply torn apart as I had been touched by the beauty. I was just as deeply devastated learning and seeing and witnessing the destruction of these sacred forests and that’s what launched me into what became an internationally-known action.

I really didn’t know what I was going to do but I knew that I had to do something and although I didn’t have experience being an activist I had experience climbing trees. (laughs) And so when I heard that I could climb a tree to make a difference, I volunteered and climbed Luna, an over one thousand year-old Redwood that had been marked to be cut down. I really didn’t see it as a spiritual practice at first. I was actually really hurt and angry at first. I could see for miles in every direction. I could see the then Pacific Lumber Maxxam Corporation mill that was taking these ancient forests and turning them into blasted-away hillsides and burnt desecrated ground. In the beginning I was filled with a lot of grief and rage but that grief and rage began to destroy me and I had to find a new way and a new purpose to act from. That’s what led me on a spiritual journey that emerged as how I live my life now as committed to having the sacred guide me every moment of every day.

Great stuff, read the rest here....

Madness Ramble

Here i am, going absolutely insane! over trying to sort out "files all over the pc" disorganisation (that's my conditioning), so im looking at my website wondering what the heck the diferances are between php, xml, java and flash! youtube, embed, boy it drives me nuts, would love to have the money to employ someone to teach or help me build my site!.
I become aware of just how nuts we are in this world so stuck in the mind with things so forever complicated, thats ok tho thats probably just my desire to be in a simpler time, simpler place. Nature ahh yes!

Anyway, the last few months i spent trying to stop smoking and success! it's been over two months now, took me a while to stop chewing the nicotine gum but that's ok! as im now chewing my hand! no nicotine means no nicotine! no more chemicals, clean clean clean! and no need to use it to cover up grief wounds.

Saturday 8 January 2011

